Sunday, September 28, 2014

What do you learn from these conversations with Anthony Capps?

Conversations with Anthony Capps - Part 1 and Part 2
Anthony Capps is a third grade teacher at Gulf Shores Elementary School. He uses Project based learning a lot in his classroom. In the video he gave a few examples of projects that he has used with his students. My favorite project was the one when they were learning about different cultures. The students were told to write about what their life would be like if they were a child in Afghanistan. They wrote about things like the food they would eat or the clothes they would wear. The students created narrative scripts that they recorded on IMovie. They also added pictures from ICurio and Discovery Ed.
Anthony also talks about how Project Based Learning is changing. It isn't just projects that students do at the end of a lesson to show what they have learned. Now, projects are used as a method of teaching. He also says that we should never limit students by giving them exactly what we want them to do. He gave a few examples of how his students exceeded his expectations with their projects. Even the students family members were surprised with what they created.

Goals for a good project
  • Authentic Audience
  • Student Interest
  • Involves Community
  • Driven by Content
  • Student Choices
ICurio Chart

ICurio is a student-safe search engine. It includes content from every K-12 curriculum subject. It is also aligned with the Common Core State Standards. . Anthony Capps likes to use ICurio as a way to teach his students virtual organization. Students and teachers are able to create folders and store resources and information that may be useful later. SAS® Curriculum Pathways an Brain Pop are also available through ICurio.

Discover Education logo

Discovery Education
Discovery Education is a another tool that Anthony Capps' students use. It allows students to search for digital resources. It includes interactive games, videos, contests, and virtual labs. All of its content is aligned to state standards and custom curriculum.  It also offers homework help and free lesson plans.

Discover Education Offers:

Anthony Capps and Dr.Strange had a conversation where they discussed their top 5 tips that they would give to teachers. The first tip was to always be a learner. I agree with this tip because everything in education is constantly changing. As teachers, we will constantly be learning about new teaching methods, new content for classrooms, and even new tools that we can use. I think that teachers that go out of their way to continue learning are going to have a lot more success in their classrooms. The second tip is to let your work become a fun experience. Work is always going to be fun if you are doing something that you love and are passionate about. I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. I started out in elementary education and I absolutely hated it. I love kids but I wasn't passionate about what I was going to be teaching. Switching to Physical Education was the best decision I've made during college. The third tip is to always be flexible. It's important to know that things can always go wrong or not the way you expect them to. Being able to adjust to these changes is a great characteristic to have as a teacher. The fourth tip is to have your students engaged in what they are learning. Students are going to learn and retain more information if they are leaning about something that they care about. Anthony Capps said his goal for student engagement was 100%. I think that this a possible goal with the right materials and subjects. The final tip is being able to reflect. It's important that teachers are constantly finding ways to be better. Looking back at past work and projects is a great way to do that. We can see the areas that may need to be fixed or improved. Reflection can also be used by students on their own work. 

This conversation between Anthony Capps and Dr. Strange is about using technology instead of teaching it. Anthony says that technology isn't something that should be taught during class. Instead of teaching his students about technology, he includes what they should be learning with other assignments and projects so they can learn how to use it on their own. His third grade students can use IMovie efficiently without  it ever being taught to them. I think that the students retain a lot more information when they are learning independently. I think it also motivates them to use this way of learning in other subjects as well.

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